BSc (Hons) in Herbal Medicine (October 2017)
Level 4 Diploma in Holistic Massage (July 2018)
Level 5 Diploma in Sport & Remedial Massage (March 2021)
Member of the Massage Training Institute (Since 2018)
Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (MNIMH) (Since 2017)
Level 3 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care - FREC3 (August 2017)
Training in Terranova supplements (September 2019)
Training in Pukka supplements (March 2019)
Training in Optibac supplements (August 2019)
CPD in Facial Acupressure (April 2019)
CPD in Manual Therapy at Bath Royal United hospital (September 2019)
CPD in ME and fibromyalgia management (October 2021)
Writer for the 'Massage World magazine' (Since August 2020)
Co-founder of EMERGENT PURPOSE (January 2022)
CPD in Myofascial Dry Cupping (January 2023)
Herbs for winter months affections (December 2016, Lignano, Italy)
Herbal first aid (April 2017, Lignano, Italy)
Herbal first aid (July 2017, Portogruaro, Italy)
Introduction to Herbal Medicine (July 2017, Udine, Italy)
Herbs for winter months affections (January 2018, Bristol, UK)
Herbal first aid (February 2018, Udine, Italy)
Medicinal and culinary herbs from the North-East (May 2018, Lignano, Italy)
Herbal first aid (August 2018, Sun and Moon festival, Cirencester, UK)
Introduction to Herbal Medicine (August 2018, Sun and Moon festival, Cirencester, UK)
Herbal first aid (October 2018, Venice, Italy)
Introduction to Herbal Medicine (August 2019, Bristol, UK)
Multi-Sensorial Herbal Experience (October 2021, May 2022, Bristol, UK)
Paradise in the Alps - Wellbeing, excursions and authentic connection (September 2022, Italian Alps)
Sensorial Herbalism (December 2022, Neal's Yard Bath)
1. Your personal data – what is it?
Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).
2. Who is Blue Ginkgo?
Blue Ginkgo is the data controller (contact details below). This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.
3. How do I process your personal data?
Blue Ginkgo complies with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.
I use your personal data for the following purposes: -
To enable me to formulate a prescription that is relevant to the consultation
To administer patient files/notes
To send you appointment notifications or reminders
To contact you to change an appointment
To seek a progress report on your condition
To send you relevant medical information in relation to you and your health
To send you invoices and/or chase money owed
4. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?
Processing is necessary for carrying out obligations of service (i.e. The prescription) in relation to the consultation. Medical herbalists are advised to keep accurate and up-to-date records of consultations by their professional associations.
5. Sharing your personal data
Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be shared with a third party. Contact information will only be used by me for the purposes of engaging in communication in relation to appointments or your health.
Your herbal prescription, date of birth and contact details may be shared with the other herbalist that works here with me in the event I am not available to dispense a prescription. I may sometimes use your information to contact other healthcare providers (GP or Hospital specialist). If I need to do this I will explain why and seek permission from you always. You can cancel your permission at any time.
As a medical herbalist sometimes data has to be shared with the police, military or health service ‘as a duty of care’. This is only in extreme incidents (i.e. sectioned under the mental health act, terrorism etc.) when you are a threat to yourself or someone else. The only other occasion would be due to a court order.
6. How long do we keep your personal data?
In accordance with the requirements of my insurer your records shall be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given. In the case of treatment to minors records will be kept for at least 7 years after they reach the age of 18. After this time I may securely destroy or erase your records if I believe they are no longer needed.
7. Your rights and your personal data
Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: -
The right to request a copy of your personal data which Blue Ginkgo holds about you;
The right to request if personal data has been destroyed [Only applicable after I have kept your records for 7 years, in which case I will destroy them anyway if it is deemed you will never return as a patient]
The right to request that the data controller provide the data subject with his/her personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller, (known as the right to data portability), (where applicable) [Only applies where the processing is based on consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject and in either case the data controller processes the data by automated means].
The right to object to the processing of personal data, (where applicable)
The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
8. Further processing
If I wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then I will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, I will seek your prior consent to the new processing.
9 COVID-19 Privacy policy:
When massage sessions resume, there will be an additional declaration form to complete stating that:
a) There has not been in contact with anyone with Covid-19, in the last 14 days, to your knowledge
b) There have not been any symptoms: - dry cough, temp over 37.8°C, loss of smell and/or taste
c) Should the client contract the virus you must inform the therapist as soon as possible d) Depending on timing we may need to contact other clients possibly affected, and to self-isolate. There will also be a signed declaration from the therapist stating the same declaration
All first-time and follow-up consultations will be carried out either on the phone or via video conferencing rather than face to face.
10. Contact Details
To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints please in the first instance contact
Mr Giacomo Sandri
Blue Ginkgo
Unit 6, Fenton Court
Fenton road
You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email or at the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.
When booking an appointment via text, call or email, your name, email and phone number will be transferred to my online calendar. The details of our session will be sent to you via email confirming your appointment date, time location as well as a registration form enclosing the T&C and a COVID-19 consent form. These forms must be signed and returned to my email address prior to our appointment.
Payments: All payments are REFUNDABLE ONLY WITHIN 48h FROM THE PAYMENT DATE. Treatments booked through the online booking system are charged in advance. Follow up appointments require a £30 deposit to be transferred at the time of booking. Payments can be made by cash, card or bank transfer. Invoices available upon request.
Appointment cancellation/amendment: Please contact me at least 5 DAYS before our appointment if you need to reschedule or cancel it.
Any cancellation happening less than 5 DAYS from the scheduled appointment time will result in the incurrence of a fee of £30 or the loss of the deposit.
Any cancellation happening less than 24h from the scheduled time, will result in the charge of the full fee.
Before you leave your home, please check your temperature, and consider if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms: -
• Dry persistent cough
• Temperature over 37.8° Centigrade
• Lack of taste or smell
If yes to any of those questions, please postpone or cancel your appointment.
If you are a first-time client, your pre-session consultation will now take place via the phone or videoconferencing – rather than face to face. If you are an existing client there will be a short update consultation – to see how you have been since pre lockdown and whether you have any Covid-19 issues. Also, via phone or video conferencing. There will also be a consent form to complete regarding exposure to Covid-19.
If you are considered a high-risk client, it may not be possible to massage you at this time
All consultation & consent documents can be signed & brought on the day or emailed beforehand.
Please bring you own pen if you need one.
Please also bring your own water – so we do not use any glassware.
Please wear easy to remove clothes. You will be given a container in which to put them when you undress. Please avoid wearing jewellery as this makes the process simpler. When you arrive, you will be required to take off your shoes, wash your hands (drying them with paper towels) – and walk into the practice room without touching anything. You may wish to wear a mask If there are soft furnishings in the practice room, they will be covered by couch roll. Cushions and soft furnishings will have been removed. The massage table will have been thoroughly disinfected and the linens are all clean. The therapist will be using PPE - personal protective equipment – until the requirement relaxes.
Photos © @AlexaLedecky
If you are dealing with a chronic health condition that affects your digestion, immunity, hormones, skin, nervous and reproductive systems, there are high chances that herbal medicine can be effective at improving signs and symptoms and get you on a better place in your wellbeing
Each person and condition is unique, so it is rather difficult to provide a definitive answer to this question. The rule of thumb is that the longer a condition has been present, the longer it could take to resolve.
No. Homoepathy and herbal medicine are two very different practices of holistic medicine.
I primarily work with tinctures (ethanol herbal extracts) which I blend according to the therapeutic intention. The herbs are to be taken internally according to the dosage prescribed.
Although herbs are generally very safe remedies to take, there is evidence that they could interact with some conventional drugs. It is always suggested to speak with your GP before deciding to take herbs alongside certain medications. Most nutritional supplements are safe to take alongside medicinal herbs.
It all boils down to intention. What results would you like to achieve? Do you want to address a specific area for pain relief? Or you prefer to work with the energetic blockages that could make you feel tired and stressed? Our initial consultation is designed to assess which option is more suitable to your needs.
I usually suggest to return every 4-6 weeks if the condition we are working on is not severe or it is of a chronic nature. For more acute circumstances, such as recovery from injury or preparation for a sport event, a gap of 2 weeks is recommended between therapy sessions. Additionally, the more disciplined you become with the prescription exercise assigned, the less often you will have to return!
Not necessarily. No pain no gain isn't the whole truth in bodywork. I believe in precision over strength meaning that the more specific and tailored the treatment is, the less pressure needs to be exerted to achieve the set goals.
Both these practices are fundamental tools used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to stimulate specific energy channels (meridians) and their related tissues/organs. Acupressure involves firm pressure applied on the acupuncture point of interest, while moxa involves the heating up of the point with a charcoal stick.